The Big Monster Harvest Switch Update!

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The Big Monster Harvest Switch Update!

Hello Monster Harvest fans, we have a colossal list of patch notes with over 550 fixes for Nintendo Switch.

The Switch update has all of the QoL 1 & 2 updates from the PC version, including; New UI, stability fixes, save system overhaul, general fixes, and, new content!

New content added includes the following:

Introducing Aster & The Clothing Store

A new merchant arrives in town.

- Change your character to 1 of 32 appearances

- Aster can be romanced and gifted, the conclusion resulting in a reward cutscene

- Shop visuals also improved

Combat 2.0

New options to turn the tide in your favour

- Escape Battle option now available

- Swap Planimals mid-battle

- Heal Planimals between battles with potions bought from the clinic

House Customization

Time for a facelift

- 5 different house styles available to purchase from the sign outside the player house

- Cosmetic changes persist across house levels.

Festival Improvements

My fish is bigger than yours!

- Livestock festival will trigger a cutscene after 90 seconds of being at the festival

- Fishing contest allows the player to submit a fish for judging

- The cookoff allows players to enter a dish of their choice to be scrutinized

Here is a full list of the updates below:

·         Russian language displays unsupported characters.

·         Crops are not growing in the dark season

·         Loading a save game causes unwatered crops to die

·         Rain doesn't water earth or display correctly

·         Planimals in the pen disappearing

·         Can't gain any more XP

·         Green slime cannot be applied to crops

·         Barn not showing

·         Stuck in water on farm

·         Stables are not getting built

·         Slime queen may be in a body of water and unable to be attacked

·         Pipes are removed when applying super green slime to a crop.

·         Cannot harvest planimal.

·         Occasionally when giving a character a gift you will lose the ability to interact with the character.

·         Text does not fit inside planimal box.

·         Season text does not localise correctly.

·         The map is only half functional and doesn't track the users location in several areas.

·         Inventory description overlaps with the Planimal info screen.

·         The first time many menu elements are displayed in Russian they will appear as squares

·         Chinese Traditional & Korean characters are difficult to read on the sleep screen.

·         Changing the language to Russian will cause issues with the reset controller message.

·         Button prompt to reset all controls when using a controller is not localized fully in Japanese, Chinese (trad) and Korean.

·         The UI does not scroll when navigating the livestock list in the barn.

·         Debug text on pause screen/ console controls

·          General setting not functional in-game

·         Titanium material has 2 different icons: one in inventory and one globally

·         User can break in-game controller support using a specific controller remapping setup

·         At least one of my farm animals isn't growing to adulthood

·         No Items in shops

·         Can’t access the general store or give gifts to him. Happened during the wet season, carries on to subsequent days.

·         Returning to main menu and loading game on rainy days progresses crop growth

·         Some Data persists across saves (including discount unlocks)

·         Relationships carry over between save files

·         The more you play the longer the game takes to progress to the next day

·         Able to sell livestock even if they have died/are gone

·         Can’t I run or move at all

·         Sword has stopped working correctly

·         Leaving the barn causes the player to pick up hay

·         Wet and Dark Hybrid Crops don't seem to grow

·         Display issue with festival shop on day 17 of wet season

·         Two Professor Spark sprites appeared when the relationship cut-scene was triggered

·         Reduce the power of Focus move for various Planimals

·         Reduce the sale price of all fish

·         Increase the cost of Super Red Slime

·         When using a controller players can still use moves when out of FP

·         Selling planimals from the pen does not give the player any money

·         Make it easier to navigate to the delete and exit dungeon options while using a controller (consider using button shortcuts)

·         Navigating menus with controller produces inconsistent results

·         It's possible to get stuck and soft lock the game when leaving the planimal parade area

·         Clicking items on the quick action bar causes player to use the previously selected item

·         Switching to a 4k or 1440p resolution causes the screen to be cut off on the top and bottom

·         Overlapping text is displayed when setting the language to Russian. 

·         Black screen with a green square is displayed.

·         When viewing edible items the display of energy gained is corrupted.

·         Overlapping art assets in contextual menu.

·         The user is able to place a rug on their farm and plant seeds onto it.

·         Having the 'autoharvester' upgrade for the barn and filling the chest, causes the user to lose all items generated by livestock.

·         The title teleport the playable character to another location.

·         The cooking menu displays incorrectly placed text.

·         Incorrect icon image displayed on taskbar.

·         Can't put red slime in the trash.

·         not showing up in the pens

·         Jam Maker vanish

·         Placing items on invalid spot makes it disappear.

·         Thorn's discount isn't working

·         If you leave the game to go back to the title screen then load it up again, the growth cycles of everything seems to have advanced a little

·         The game doesn't appear to do proper garbage collection

·         If you combine 2 Pickle Makers, 1 disappears and only 1 remains in your inventory.

·         Closing a chest with a stack of items selected causes it to stay selected

·         UI for someone knocking on your door gets stuck in on the screen even when loading

·          Silver / titanium icons too similar

·          Crafting resource icons too small

·         UI for item selection in quick action bar displays during cutscenes

·         Mount can disappear when dismounting near a building

·         Collecting a second screambat does not always send it to planimal pen correctly

·         Add main menu settings as an in-game menu so players can change language, sound and controls while playing

·         Returning to main menu with UI visible causes it to persist until dismissed when next loading the game

·         Placing multiple tiles of wooden path causes it to display inconsistently

·         Pipe item doesn't seem to place correctly and can be duplicated

·         Random placement of trees on farm can cause opening cutscene to be obscured

·         Player is able to walk around loading triggers when using the southern exit from town towards the farm

·         The 'Make more slime' cutscene takes place in the wrong location

·         Super green slimes doesn't work correctly with crops until hit with a pickaxe

·         Player can use the cursor and accidently buy two items at once with a controller

·         Player is unable to enter doctor's building in the evening

·         Loading a save file in wet or dark seasons loads dry season environment sprites

·         Noto sans should not have any stylings 

·         Dismouting caused character to clip through water edge terrain

·         Difficult to walk into infirmary at night

·         Can't eat Yam Yam to increase stamina

·         Able to pick up level 0 planimals

·         When opening the inventory for the first time the selector is misaligned

·         cutscenes cannot be skipped

·         If the player has a full inventory and wants to pick an item up of the floor. Placing an item in a chest deletes the item that was originally on the floor

·         The font for text is hard to read in places

·         Player is unable to highlight and select options on the main menu with the controller

·         Loading a save after returning to the title screen causes Issues with planted crops

·         When using a controller. the player is able to select an invisible option in the inventory to teleport them to the outside of the cave

·         Super Red Slime price incorrect

·         Settings option - cannot back out of controls menu using a controller

·         Credits incomplete

·         If the player crafts an item with a full inventory the player won't get the item and waste the ingredients

·         The post-combat XP bar text has a line break in Simplified & Traditional Chinese and Korean.

·         Bold text is difficult to read as it loses its definition

·         Wrong craft item icon is displayed.

·         New Game screen has a random box in the middle of it.

·         Barn animals multiply

·         Cannot give Aster a moon melon or honey pepper as a gift.

·         When moving around items that have been dropped on the floor, the fps will drop significantly.

·         There are severe performance issues present when fighting in the dungeon.

·         Weather effects persist when inside the dungeon

·         Audio for rain cuts out when looping

·         Trigger point missed in cutscene where Prof Spark gives you Mutanko

·         Trigger point missed in cutscene where you are introduced to the dungeon

·         Able to run multiple instances of the game

·         At infrequent times reloading a save causes the player to load into a static camera shot of the bunker, After reloading the save again all the players crops and placed items will be gone

·         Loading save file issue

·         Save Data Issues

·         Text in game is unreadable

·         Crops do not change state after sleeping when starting a new game

·         When using a controller crafting an item stops the use item button from working

·         When using a controller if the player return to the main menu and loads a save the use item button stops working

·         When the season changes the bridge to the Rec centre breaks blocking access

·         Sleeping after planting and watering crops doesn't progress the to the next stage

·         Loading a game into a new season causes to hang

·         Loading into a non-dry season, dry season assets first appear

·         Settings option - cannot back out of controls menu using controller

·         Main menu - up loses highlight

·         Controls screen is incorrect and should show controls for switch not pc

·         Held item doesn't hide when rolling

·         Next day summary freezes briefly (assumed due to saving)

·         Low framerate in the saloon

·         Super Red item pricing

·         Credits not completed

·         Player is unable to skip cutscenes using the controller

·         When using a Controller getting the first hit in combat with a sword stops the player from selecting an attack

·         Add a character limit to text input for player and farm name

·         Rolling into a fence causes player to teleport

·         Missing sprite on cost to make 'Pickler' item

·         Pipe item is missing a sprite for it's titanium ore cost

·         Incorrect date shown on the save files

·         Loading any save turns the weather to rain

·         Prof Spark blocks player from leaving farm as on day 1 whenever a loading a save file

·         Game hanging on Loading screen if returning to title screen and loading on day 9 of dry season

·         User is able to start a game with a blank name and farm name

·         Settings menu difficult to navigate

·         Language selector isn't working correctly

·         In the dungeons after beating the Queen Slime the cutscene won't play

·         On occasion when the player tries to load a save they will get stuck on a loading screen

·         Using the right stick to operate this build with a controller is very difficult

·         Player is able to clone and delete key items in the chest

·         Placeholder text in the Quests board in town

·         It is possible to get stuck in some rooms in the dungeon

·         Doctor in the planimal parade festival has Auntie Dot dialogue

·         Player is able to clip through the top wall in the house

·         Non Romanised characters look inconsistent

·         Languages sometimes spill out of their bounding boxes

·         The numbers in the chest and consignment board appear to be using the old font

·         In a battle if a planimal dies by a damage over time move they won't send out their next planimal

·         When the user holds the 'X' button the game framerate is drastically lowered

·         If the player loads multiple saves without closing the app the performance begins to degrade

·         Screen tearing and frame rate issues while inside dungeon, farm, other buildings

·         Buying items from vendors causes player to buy two things at once

·         Possible to redeem 'my first planimal' achievement before receiving it from Professor Spark

·         Mailbox incorrectly says your inventory is full

·         If the player skips the first dark season cutscene they will be teleported to the area where the cutscene takes place

·         Player can enter the dungeon with a mount by pushing it into the loading trigger

·         Remove Vsync Text

·         Remove control settings or make them navigatable with a controller

·         Remove debug options in build

·         When the player has no saves clicking load game leaves the 'There are no save files' text on the screen

·         When the player has no save files, using a controller the player can enter the load game submenu and will be able to enter other menus when they shouldn't be able to

·         Unable to load save files

·         Queen slime boss fight is missing from the end of the dungeon

·         Jam Machine  is missing a sprite for it's Gold ore cost

·         You can refill the watering can when it's already full

·         Spamming refill on the watering can plays the sound effect without the animation

·         Gold ore classified as Foraging item instead of Mining

·         Selling a planimal from Pen

·         Add feedback to selling Planimal on how much $ is gained

·         Player can't use selected item in quick action bar until deselected and selected again after taking an item out of a chest

·         Planimals can spawn in the water in the dungeon room layout

·         FP level can display as more than the maximum capacity e.g. 30/20

·         Title text for hybrid crops overlaps description text in inventory

·         Pipe item incorrectly says it needs 5 titanium when it actually uses 2

·         Player is unable to pick up the hay in the barn using a controller

·         Game freezing after visiting a festival and progressing to the next day

·         Right clicking an single item twice in the chest deletes the item

·         Remove development console from build

·         Visiting a festival and then progressing to the next day causes the game to hang

·         Dungeon didn't load correctly upon first entry

·         Planimals don't disappear from the pen when sold

·         A white square appears in the middle of the screen when in gameplay

·         Closing the game shortly after saving can result in a crash or the game not saving at all

·         Several languages have 'Text not found' on the Y button prompt on the pause screen

·         Several languages have overlapping text on the pause screen

·         Items are placing incorrectly in the bottom left corner of the screen

·         HDR colours are incorrect

·         After planting seeds the player will be unable to buy things from the shop

·         After sleeping the player will be unable to refill the watering can

·         After playing for around 3 hours. Attempting to return to the main menu and load a save leads to an infinite loading screen

·         Game hangs on loading screen after day 7 of wet season if loading from main menu

·         Loading a save file after returning to main menu causes the game to hang

·         Progressing to the next day on the 10th day of dry season caused the game to hang on a black screen

·         Load Game returns user to main menu

·         Google translation need removing localizations updated

·         Game hangs after dying in the dungeon

·         Able to clip into the water after finishing a battle

·         Returning to main menu and loading game caused player to lose 3 days and UI to break

·         Time reversal occuring when returning to main menu and loading game on day 19 of dry season

·         Mounts and livestock disappearing after getting a mount for the first time

·         Dismounting next to the sign for the barn prevents the player from entering the barn

·          21:9 support

·         Able to walk out of the infirmary before dialogue triggers after dying in the dungeon

·          Bug when entering character name

·          Cursor randomly spin around

·          Bug prevents the purchase of resources

·          Bug preventing watering can

·          Character gets stuck in textures

·          Black area after dungeon

·          Not possible to leave farm even after following instructions - blocked by uncle - 1 user report in Chinese

·          The tools in equipment bar have no item name string - Chinese

·          Various slimes cannot be used on plants

·          Water does not spread due to bugs in the watering can

·          UI not responding while using certain item

·          box in cave cannot be opened

·          Barn and Stable

·         xp energy and money bar broken

·         Safed Game won´t load (Steam)

·          Spawning into dungeon area with + shaped water spawns the player inside the water (I spawned in the north entrance if this helps?)

·          Can't buy with Cacique in raining day

·          No longer levelling up

·         Player is able to clone mount

·          GUI not responding while using cartain item

·          Crash + Infinite loading

·          initial load time is insanely long

·          item description fonts are WAY too small

·          Sword refusing to swing

·          nintendo switch stutter

·         Savegame won't load on Nintendo Switch

·          Placing certain items on the farm

·          character to clip through and get stuck after harvesting

·          Mount follows into cave

·          Fences issues

·          Controls not responsive

·          Store purchase bug

·          Loosing tools

·          Bugs found by Maus

·          Mount disappearing

·          Farm animals bugged after getting a new one

·          Buying Seeds getting sugar

·          cannot pick up statue i placed

·          Unable to fill watering can

·          Missing mount monster harvest

·          Energy bar not showing up

·          stable in monster harvest

·          Stuck in Saloon Building

·          Market Bug for New Save Files

·          planimals in the planimal pen disappeared

·          NO slimes in wet season

·         Furniture disappears when you reach the dry season

·          Dark season crops are not growing

·         Graphics bug with bunker entrance

·         Rain doesn't water earth or display correctly

·         Loading a save game causes unwatered crops to die

·         Crops are not growing in the dark season

·         If two objects are placed close enough to each other such that they are within each others interaction radius than it will cause conflicts

·         Livestock not growing up

·         2min load times between days

·         Cannot collect livestock product

·         updated barn cap feed loss

·         Menu overly during fight

·         No Items on shops

·         My chest just suddenly disappeared

·         Broken scarecrow gives too many resources

·         Town Overview cutscene triggers twice.

·         Using the table upon game start you can force player out of bounds

·         Able to move character out of bounds using table and bed interaction in player house.

·         The title of the game in the trophies is 'Trophy Set'

·         No save games appear in the main menu and unable to load save games

·         Invisible collision is present in front of all buildings preventing the player from entering them

·         When inside the players house white lines appear around the edges when walking up and down

·         When using tools energy appears to drain twice when the player only swings once

·         Cursor is present when using touchpad

·         Player is able to use sword while moving and hitting enemies is inconsistent

·         Adaptive triggers are not currently used

·         User can move free roaming NPC's

·         Cannot fully interact with settings menu with a controller.

·         User can remove controller through in game options

·         Changing controller mapping is reflected functionally but not in the options

·         Pressing start while in a new player name screen locks the page

·         The in-game audio stops playing while accessing the options menu during gameplay.

·         Un-mapping buttons could lead to a confusing customer experience

·         Game stopped saving after Dry season day 19

·         Controls screen displaying confusing information

·         Items removed from inventory will show up in UI for other storage based systems

·         Game crashes on boot when launched in release mode

·         Parental Control and Product Restriction R5005 The Age Level for Boot Restriction is not set

·         In the settings the selection reticle has an incorrect size and position

·         If I clicking fast on the language selector, I can't use the Options menu anymore

·         Buttons in the pause menu needs to be confimed twice

·         If I Enter the "Enter Player Name" textbox I can bring up the Main Menu in the background

·         Controller is constantly vibrating on a rainy day

·         Controller vibration when rolling

·         Suggestion : There should be a question before I delete something from my inventory

·         It's raining in the dungeon

·         At the start of combat the first skill looks selected, but it is not

·         Item descriptions, or initial damages for the swords are incorrect

·         If it rains and I exit to the main menu, the controller keeps vibrating

·         Couldn't talk to Thorn

·         The title's 'Cooking' feature does not allow the user to create any of the recipes.

·         The in-title language option does not function as expected.

·         The title enters an indefinite unresponsive state after pressing the square button on the language drop down in the contextual menu.

·         The title does not update the main menu and contextual menu when changing the in-title language option via the main menu.

·         When the system language is set to other than English, the application is booted in English only.

·         The title’s ‘Quick Move’ font is smaller than the other text on the controller layout menu.

·         Incorrect usage of a Brand Guideline.

·         The title incorrectly informs the user that all save files have been deleted.

·         The title’s ‘Quick Move’ feature has been removed and replaced with an additional ‘Open Inventory’ function.

·         The title enters an indefinite loading screen.

·         Overlapping text is displayed when the in-title language option is set to any non-default language.

·         Localisation/UI - Russian language displays unsupported characters.

·         Debug text displayed.

·         Save data file elapsed time over 15 seconds.

·         Title crashed and corrupted save data when left for roughly 40 mins

·         If the user is in a battle and launches the title from the activity card the battle UI will overlap the rest of the title.

·         Resuming an activity card whilst in a cutscene causes the cutscene to continue playing out over after reloading the save.

·         Resuming from the activity card whilst in the shop or consignment board UI causes it to persist on the users screen.

·         The user is able to duplicate XP by launching the title from the activity card.

·         Resuming an activity as the user goes to sleep causes them to awake in a black screen that cannot be removed.

·         Core equipment items can be replaced.

·         If the user presses 'X' several times as the first battle begins with the users first Plantimal, the title will softlock.

·         The user is able to overwrite their save data by starting a new game with the same name.

·         The settings menu has no button prompts, is confusing, and is barely functional.

·         When using certain attacks in different languages the text appears outside the box.

·         The user will not receive a badge for the first fight at a 'Rec centre' of the season.

·         The auto harvester upgrade for the barn blocks several in-game features.

·          Some hybrids not growing - Switch (release version)

·         Sleeping after planting and watering crops doesn't progress the to the next stage

·          Stuck in water on farm

·         Green slime cannot be applied to crops

·         Multiple Saves one barn

·         Partially unresponsive state after being defeated by the ‘Slime Queen’.

·         When playing in different languages, text is often shown as squares.

·         Placeholder characters are displayed within the controls menu.

·         When using a controller crafting an item stops the use item button from working

·         When using a controller if the player return to the main menu and loads a save the use item button stops working

·         When the season changes the bridge to the Rec centre breaks blocking access

·         Loading a game into a new season causes to hang

·         Buying items from vendors causes player to buy two things at once

·         Can’t access the general store or give gifts to him. Happened during wet season, carries on to subsequent days.

·         Shop UI interface misaligned

·         Incorrect date displayed when completing the demo.

·         The crafting menu tutorial is not localised correctly when playing in Korean.

·         When using the 'Neutralise' attack on an enemy when playing in Korean there is a severe text overlap.

·         When playing in Korean several aspects of the UI are overlapped.

·         Changing the language of the title in-game causes placeholder text to appear.

·         Super Red item pricing

·         Remove dungeon debug info from pause menu

·         The button for Roll is incorrectly labelled on the pause screen

·         User cannot swap 2 identical planimals with different levels

·         User can enter the bunker from behind it

·         User cannot use the hoe on some of the slots of soil north-west of the General Store.

·         Entering Town and Name isn't highlighted

·         Certain images broken on I Menu

·         Untidy text that does not fit inside of text boxes.

·         Language names are not translated in Settings

·         Pop-up after picking up artisanal refiner is wrong

·         User has weird interaction with crafts

·         Furniture can be placed on top of the play park equipment.

·         Some furniture has wrong colors

·         Scroll for furniture shop tabs is not working properly

·         Planimal has double XP bar in battle center

·         When changing languages the control bindings do not update on selection of a second language.

·         Super green slime can be applied to multiple crops.

 Russian language displays unsupported characters.

·         Using a controller the player is unable to press A to interact with signs or NPC's

·          Crops are not growing in the dark season

·          Loading a save game causes unwatered crops to die

·          Rain doesn't water earth or display correctly

·          Pressing Esc in a battle soft locks the game

·          Planimals in the pen disappearing

·          Multiple bugs for Monster Harvest on PC

·          Can't gain any more XP

·          Green slime cannot be applied to crops

·          Barn not showing

·          Stuck in water on farm

·          Slime queen may be in a body of water and unable to be attacked

·          Pipes are removed when applying super green slime to a crop.

·          Cannot harvest planimal.

·          The Controls setting menu cannot be navigated using a pad from the in-game pause menu.

·          Occasionally when giving a character a gift you will lose the ability to interact with the character.

·          Unable to cycle through tools when using a controller.

·          Text does not fit inside planimal box.

·          Unable to navigate the contextual menu using a controller

·          Season text does not localise correctly.

·          The map is only half functional and doesn't track the users location in several areas.

·          Inventory description overlaps with the Planimal info screen.

·          The first time many menu elements are displayed in Russian they will appear as squares

·          Chinese Traditional & Korean characters are difficult to read on the sleep screen.

·          Changing the language to Russian will cause issues with the reset controller message.

·          Button prompt to reset all controls when using a controller is not localised fully in Japanese, Chinese (trad) and Korean.

·          The UI does not scroll when navigating the livestock list in the barn.

·          Debug text on pause screen/ console controls

·          General setting not functional in-game

·         Titanium material has 2 different icons: one in inventory and one globally

·          PC/Steam - UI - Shop UI interface misaligned

·          User can break in-game controller support using a specific controller remapping setup. copy

·          No gamepad controller image appears on the pause menu when playing with a gamepad.

·         At least one of my farm animals isn't growing to adulthood

·          No Items in shops

·          Can’t access the general store or give gifts to him. Happened during the wet season, carries on to subsequent days.

·          Returning to main menu and loading game on rainy days progresses crop growth

·          Some Data persists across saves (including discount unlocks)

·          Relationships carry over between save files

·          The more you play the longer the game takes to progress to the next day

·          Able to sell livestock even if they have died/are gone

·          Can’t I run or move at all

·          Sword has stopped working correctly

·          Leaving the barn causes the player to pick up hay

·          Wet and Dark Hybrid Crops don't seem to grow

·         Remove FPS counter from F12

·          Display issue with festival shop on day 17 of wet season

·          Two Professor Spark sprites appeared when the relationship cutscene was triggered

·          Reduce the power of Focus move for various Planimals

·          Reduce the sale price of all fish

·          Increase the cost of Super Red Slime

·          When using a controller players can still use moves when out of FP

·          Selling planimals from the pen does not give the player any money

·          Make it easier to navigate to the delete and exit dungeon options while using a controller (consider using button shortcuts)

·          Navigating menus with analogue stick produces inconsistent results

·          It's possible to get stuck and soft lock the game when leaving the planimal parade area

·          Clicking items on the quick action bar causes player to use the previously selected item

·          Switching to a 4k or 1440p resolution causes the screen to be cut off on the top and bottom

·          Overlapping text is displayed when setting the language to Russian. 

·          Black screen with a green square is displayed.

·          When viewing edible items the display of energy gained is corrupted.

·          Overlapping art assets in contextual menu.

·          The user is able to place a rug on their farm and plant seeds onto it.

·          Having the 'autoharvester' upgrade for the barn and filling the chest, causes the user to lose all items generated by livestock.

·          The title teleports the playable character to another location.

·          The cooking menu displays incorrectly placed text.

·         Incorrect icon image displayed on taskbar.

·          Can't put red slime in the trash.

·          not showing up in the pens

·          Jam Maker vanish

·          Placing items on invalid spot makes it disappear.

·          Thorn's discount isn't working

·          If you leave the game to go back to the title screen then load it up again, the growth cycles of everything seems to have advanced a little

·          The game doesn't appear to do proper garbage collection

·          If you combine 2 Pickle Makers, 1 disappears and only 1 remains in your inventory.

·          Closing a chest with a stack of items selected causes it to stay selected

·          UI for someone knocking on your door gets stuck in on the screen even when loading

·         Silver / titanium icons too similar

·          Crafting resource icons too small

·          UI for item selection in quick action bar displays during cutscenes

·          Mount can disappear when dismounting near a building

·          Collecting a second screambat does not always send it to planimal pen correctly

·          Move cursor still shown on gamepad control image

·          Add main menu settings as an in-game menu so players can change language, sound and controls while playing

·          Returning to main menu with UI visible causes it to persist until dismissed when next loading the game

·          Placing multiple tiles of wooden path causes it to display inconsistently

·          Pipe item doesn't seem to place correctly and can be duplicated

·          Random placement of trees on farm can cause opening cutscene to be obscured

·          Player is able to walk around loading triggers when using the southern exit from town towards the farm

·          The 'Make more slime' cutscene takes place in the wrong location

·          Super green slimes doesn't work correctly with crops until hit with a pickaxe

·          Player can use the cursor and accidently buy two items at once with a controller

·          Player is unable to enter doctor's building in the evening

·          Loading a save file in wet or dark seasons loads dry season environment sprites

·          Noto sans should not have any stylings 

·          Dismouting caused character to clip through water edge terrain

·          Difficult to walk into infirmary at night

·          Can't eat Yam Yam to increase stamina

·          Able to pick up level 0 planimals

·          When opening the inventory for the first time the selector is misaligned

·          cutscenes cannot be skipped

·          If the player has a full inventory and wants to pick an item up of the floor. Placing an item in a chest deletes the item that was originally on the floor

·          The font for text is hard to read in places

·          Player is unable to highlight and select options on the main menu with the controller

·          Loading a save after returning to the title screen causes Issues with planted crops

·          When using a controller the player is able to select an invisible option in the inventory to teleport them to the outside of the cave

·          Super Red Slime price incorrect

·          Settings option - cannot back out of controls menu using a controller

·          Credits incomplete

·          If the player crafts an item with a full inventory the player won't get the item and waste the ingredients

·          The post-combat XP bar text has a line break in Simplified & Traditional Chinese and Korean.

·          Bold text is difficult to read as it loses its definition

·          Wrong craft item icon is displayed.

·          New Game screen has a random box in the middle of it.

Phew, congratulations to you for making it all the way down here!